
Bulk Edit Selected Participants

  1. On any data grid, use the Filter Results under Take Action to create a filter for the appropriate Participants
  2. Then click Select All to place a check in all of the Select boxes or do it manually for each of the filtered participants
  3. Under Take Action select Bulk Edit Selected Participants
  4. Select the appropriate Standard Participant Definitions, Custom Participant Definitions, and User Access


  1. Click Save
  2. A warning message will appear
  3. Click OK


  1. Click OK again after the Bulk Edit has been processed


NOTE: From the Bulk Edit Participants screen Users can edit all properties that have the Allow Bulk Edit checked in the Property Definitions. If Users are unable to see a Property in the Bulk Edit Screen, the User should contact the Discovery Administrator and request that the box “Allow Bulk Edit” be checked for the Definition.