
Filter Results

To filter the list of Participants/Users or other things displayed in a Data Grid, click on Filter Results in the Take Action drop-down.

Adding a Filter

  1. Under the Take Action drop-down select Filter Results

  2. In the Choose Filters window, select Add Filter

  3. Use the drop down to select a Filter Property, a Filter Operator and a Filter Value if appropriate

  4. Add additional filters if desired by clicking Add Filter

  5. Select the desired Logic Expression

  6. Click the Apply Filters button at the bottom or the Save to "My Saved Filters"

  7. If the Save to "My Saved Filters" button is checked enter the name for the Filter

  8. To share this Filter with other Users, check the Share this "filter?" checkbox

  9. Click Save


This will return a list that meets the specified criteria.  To return to the full list of participants, select Filter Results from the Take Action drop-down and click on the Remove All Filters button at the bottom of form.  

NOTE:  On some data grids (e.g., in the Study Workflow section), when the Filter Results icon is clicked, Users will find that some filters are defined by default.  To add additional filter criteria, click Add Filter.

When a Filter is applied to a Data Grid there will be the Filter Filter_Applied.gif Icon in the upper right corner of the frame.

My Saved Filters

Saved filters are user-specific and page-specific, if a filter is saved on one data grid, it will not be available on another data grid or for another User unless it is shared.


When a ‘saved filter’ is selected and modified, Users are able to ‘save’ those changes using the "Edit Saved Filters" button.


When the "Edit Saved Filters" is clicked, Users are able to enter a name for that Filter and make it shared.


Deleting a Saved Filter

Once created, a Saved Filter can be deleted by going into the Filters window.  Use the Drop-Down to select the Filter to Delete.

Once highlighted click on the red "X" DeleteIcon.gif icon to delete filter.


Using Shared and Sharing Filters

In the Filters window there is a drop-down for Shared Filters.  These are Filters that have been marked as shared by other Users. Use the drop-down to select the desired Filter then select the Apply Filters button.

A Shared Filter can be modified and saved as My Saved Filters.

To Share a filter, select it from the My Saved Filters drop-down.  Click on the Edit Saved Filter Button. Either Check or Uncheck the Share checkbox and Save.