
Managing a Survey Participant List

Authenticated surveys must be associated with at least one participant list. Otherwise, DatStat has no way of knowing who is allowed to take the survey or to whom the data belongs.


Anonymous surveys do not need participant lists, since they are open to anyone. The only exception to this would be the case where users would like to send an e-mail job out to all people on a list. In this case, it may be appropriate to associate a participant list to the survey.


To see participant lists associated with a Survey

  1. Log into the Enterprise Manager as either the Local Administrator or a User with sufficient permissions to work with Participant Lists and the projects they are in.
  2. Expand the Project where the Survey is located
  3. Click on Surveys
  4. In the right pane, Click on the Edit Survey iconEdit_Survey_Icon.gif for the appropriate survey


  1. The Right Pane will show the Associated Participants Lists for that Survey



Associating Participant Lists to a Survey

  1. In Enterprise Manager as either the Local Administrator or a User with sufficient permissions to work with Participant Lists and the projects they are in.
  2. Expand the Project where the Survey is located
  3. Click on Surveys
  4. In the right pane, Click on the Edit Survey iconEdit_Survey_Icon.gif for the appropriate survey
  5. Select the Participant List or Lists to Associate to the Survey
  6. Click Add>>, Save and OK



NOTE: Participant Lists that are associated to a Discovery Study will not show as Available Participant Lists

Removing Participant Lists from a Survey


  1. In the Enterprise Manager as either the Local Administrator or a User with sufficient permissions to work with Participant Lists and the projects they are in.
  2. Expand the Project where the Survey is located
  3. Click on Surveys
  4. In the right pane, Click on the Edit Survey iconEdit_Survey_Icon.gif for the appropriate survey
  5. Select the Participant List or Lists to Disassociate/Remove from the Survey
  6. Click <<Remove, Save and OK


Surveys Associated to DatStat Discovery Studies

Below the Participant fields will be a section displaying the DatStat Discovery Studies that a Survey is associated to.

