
Standard Participant Properties

Editing Standard Participant Properties

Users may edit the following fields of a Standard Participant Definition:


To Edit a Standard Participant Property:

  1. Must be logged in as a User with the Administrator and/or Study Administrator Role for the Study/Project or System
  2. Click on the Enterprise Manager Link in the upper right corner of the Discovery interface if not taken directly there at login.
  3. Expand the Project where the study is located
  4. Click on the Participant Lists link
  5. Click on the Edit Participant List Columns Icon
  6. Select the Standard Participant Property tab
  7. Click on the Edit Property icon in the row of the Property you wish to edit
  8. Once you have finished Click Save

NOTE: Properties added to a Derived list do not populate the Master List. Therefore, it is advised that the editing of Properties take place in the Enterprise Manager in the Master List if multiple derived lists will be associated with a single master list or if the study and its associated lists will be cloned, copied, or templates made from that study.

User Access Exclusions

Participant Properties can have Exclusions set to give Full, Read Only or Hidden access to Users or User Groups.

A Participant Property may have multiple Exclusions applied. See the Section on User Access Exclusions for more details