
View Participant

Clicking on the View Participant icon ViewParticon.gif will bring up the Participant Summary View for that Participant.


There are six sections of information for the Participant. If a User does not have permission to one or more sections, it will not appear on the Participant Summary View. 


Users can Hide Hideicon.gif or Display Displayicon.gif a section by clicking on the icon in the upper right of each frame.

NOTE: Sections may be reordered via drag and drop.  When a User reorders the sections, this order is preserved for that User.  


The Participant Summary View has the following sections:

Participant Summary

The Participant Summary shows all of the Standard and Custom Participant fields (properties) defined during study configuration.

Users can edit any of the information by clicking on the Edit Participant Icon EditParticipantIcon.gif in the upper right of the frame.


During study configuration, participant fields can be organized into Property Groups.  Users can Hide or Display each group of participant properties by clicking on the icon to the right of each Group heading.


Preferences for Hiding or Showing each section or participant group will be retained as the default for the Participant Summary View.




Study Tasks

The Study Tasks data grid displays all Study Tasks associated to the Participant

As with other data grids in the Discovery application, Users can sort by Column and Choose Columns to tailor the contents of this grid.  By default this grid will show Active Open Study Tasks.  This view can be altered using the Quick Filters poplist.



NOTE: The + or - in the second column indicates a Container Study Task and its Nested Study Tasks when expanded.

Take Action

The Take Action menu of the Study Tasks allows the User to Add Study Tasks, Choose Columns, Export, and Filter.



Edit Study Items

For a given Study Task in the data grid, Users can click on the Edit icon to edit the status of that Study Task.

Participant Progress

This section presents a visual display of the participant’s current status for the milestone and all Study Tasks currently associated to the Participant in the study workflow.  


Contact Log Entries

This section displays all of the Contact History for this Participant.

Each entry can be Edited or Viewed by clicking on the correct Icon in the Data Grid.

To log a contact or see all of the entries click on the Icons in the upper right of the pane.


CommHistoryIcon.gifSee a history of all communication with this person


RecordContactIcon.gifRecord details of an attempted or completed contact with this person


Participant Notes

This section is used to record Participant level notes.  The Participant Notes section is an open text field for adding any information that may be useful when interacting with this participant. For example, a note may say “This participant is named William but goes by Bobby”.


To Add a Note for a Participant:

  1. Click on the Add Note AddNoteIcon.gif icon in the upper right of the Participant Notes frame.

  2. Use the Note Regards drop-down to select the Study Task that the note will reference. General notes can be recorded under Other.

  3. Enter the Note.

  4. Click Save and OK.



The New Note will appear in the Participant Notes section.  Notes are displayed vertically in the order entered with most recent appearing at the top of this section.


Contact Information



This section of the Participant Summary View is used to enter, view and manage contact information for the participant.


The Discovery application enables Users to enter an unlimited number of addresses (physical or mailing addresses), phone numbers, and email addresses for a study participant. One Address, Phone Number, and Email Address can be marked as “Primary” for a participant.

Edit Contact Information

Each piece of contact information (address, phone, or email) listed has an Edit this "Item" EditThisItemIcon.gificon beneath it. Click on that icon to edit that item. Users can edit or change a piece of contact information, or can disable it by un-checking the box that indicates whether or not the participant can still be reached at this address/phone/email.


Contact Information Menu


SendEmailIcon.gifSend an email to this person now


AddAddressIcon.gifAdd a new address for this person


AddPhoneIcon.gifAdd a new phone number for this person


AddEmailIcon.gifAdd a new email address for this person


OldAddressIcon.gifShow older addresses that have been marked as no longer active


OldPhoneIcon.gifShow older phone numbers that have been marked as no longer active


OldEmailIcon.gifShow older email addresses that have been marked as no longer active